iron process technology

Guide of Iron Processing Technology

iron process technology

As one of the earliest, most widely used and most widely used metals in the world, iron ore is an important raw material for iron and steel production. At present, iron ore resources are decreasing day by day, which is characterized by more lean ore than rich ore, more associated ore and complex ore composition. Xinhai Mining, as a mineral processing equipment manufacturer with over-20-year experience, provides responsible processing technology by different type of iron ores.

What Does Magnetite Processing Include?

Because of the strong magnetism of magnetite, the main processing technology of it is weak magnetic processing technology. The processing flow of magnetic includes:

iron process technology

It is suitable for simple single magnetite. It can be divided into successive-grinding weak magnetic separation process and stage-grinding weak magnetic separation process. Successive-grinding weak magnetic separation process is suitable for magnetite with coarse grain or high grade iron. Stage-grinding weak magnetic separation process is suitable for low grade magnetite with fine grain.

Single Weak Magnetic Separation Process

It mainly points at iron ores which are difficult to increase its fineness or with many SiO2 impurities. It includes weak magnetic-cation anti-flotation separation process and magnetic-positive anion flotation separation process.

Weak Magnetic - Flotation Separation Process

It is mainly dealing with iron ores with multiple metals and complex iron ore.

Weak Magnetic - Strong Magnetic - Flotation Separation Process

What Does Hematite Processing Technology Include?

Hematite is weak magnetic ore, which can be easier separation by flotation than magnetite. In the old days, hematite was separated by gravity separation, however it was weed out for unreachable capacity. Now Hematite is separated by flows as follows:

Weak Magnetic - Strong Magnetic Separation

iron process technology

Commonly, weak magnetic separation can be added before strong magnetic separation to remove the strong magnetic ore or impurity in raw ore. Then strong magnetic separation is used to separating hematite, which is also the work flow of the mixture of magnetite and hematite.


iron process technology

Hematite is easier to floated than magnetic, which could be separated by positive flotation. As the density of iron ore is much higher than that of gangue mineral, gangue mineral is more likely to attach to the foam than iron ore. Therefore, for iron ore, reverse flotation is more advantageous than positive flotation. When the magnetite content mixed in hematite is higher, reverse flotation is a more convenient method for separation.

Strong Magnetic - Flotation Combined Separation

iron process technology

In the process of high intensity magnetic-flotation, a part of gangue mineral in the ore is firstly removed by high intensity magnetic separation, and then the coarse concentration of high intensity magnetic separation is sent to the flotation to obtain the final qualified concentrate.

What Does Limonite Processing Technology Include?

Limonite is one of the main iron ores, but its iron content is lower than magnetite and hematite, and it is a secondary iron ore. At present, the industrial application of limonite processing process includes:

Single Concentration Process

The single separation process of lignite is mainly used for the lignite with high iron content and good selectivity, which can be divided into a single magnetic separation process and a single gravity separation process. The single gravity separation process is used to deal with the ore with coarser grain size, and the equipment is selected according to the grain size of the ore. Single magnetic separation process generally refers to a single strong magnetic separation process, this process has a strong adaptability to the ore, the concentrate is easy to concentrate and filter, but it is not suitable for fine grade slime.

Combined Dressing Process

The combined separation process only used for limonite includes magnetization - magnetic separation process, flotation - strong magnetic separation process, heavy separation - strong magnetic separation process, etc., which are used for the treatment of limonite with relatively complex composition. The specific technological process shall be determined after the ore separation test has proved the ore properties.

iron process technology

What Does Siderite Processing Technology Include?

Like limonite, siderite is a low-grade iron ore that is unstable. The technological processes used in siderite concentrator are gravity separation and strong magnetic separation. Different siderite has different separation methods. Single siderite with coarse grain size is suitable to be treated with single gravity separation, single strong magnetic separation and combined process including the two. For siderite with fine grain size, effective technological processes include roasting magnetic separation, strong magnetic separation, flotation or magnetic flotation combined process.

Siderite containing magnetite can be separated by a combined process of weak magnetic separation and gravity separation, strong magnetic separation, or flotation in series, or a more complex process.

What Is Treatment of Iron Ore Tailings?

iron process technology

Iron ore processing capacity is huge, iron ore tailings account for about half of the total metal tailings, in recent years due to the increasing awareness of environmental protection and tailings accidents, whether from the perspective of comprehensive utilization of resources or from the perspective of environmental protection and safety, iron ore tailings treatment is a problem that needs attention.

To avoid resource waste and tailings accidents at the source, the main treatment methods of iron ore tailings at present are: tailings reprocessing, tailings dry stacking and full tailings consolidation and filling method.

Tailings Reprocessing: Effectively increasing product rate and recovery rate, comprehensive utilization of iron ore resources.

Tailings Dry Stacking: Reducing the cost of tailings pond and the risk of accidents and pollution.

Tailings Consolidation and Filling Method: Utilization of tailings, protecting terrain and environment.

Xinhai Solutions


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Outstanding Mineral Processing Technology

Xinhai Mining has set up a mine design institute and a mine research institute, with an experienced team of experts, and has applied for 194 patents (some invention patents are under examination and approval). The technical indexes of mineral processing are guaranteed.

iron process technology

Rich Mineral Processing Experience

Till now, Xinhai Mining has accomplished over 2000 mine design, research and equipment supplying projects. Among them, there are over 500 mineral processing EPC+M+O projects. Xinhai Mining has technologies and experiences for over 70 kinds of ores.

iron process technology

Complete Flow Of Plant Construction

Pointed at different problem during mine construction, Xinhai Mining put forward mineral processing EPC+M+O service, supplying close-circuit service from mineral processing test and mine design, equipment manufacturing and purchasing, reaching standard and production, to mine management and operation.
