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Zimbabwe 700tpd Gold Processing Plant Project

The Gold Ore Processing Plant in Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwe Plant has both a carbon-in-pulp (CIP) circuit as well as a flotation circuit with a total capacity of approximately 700tpd, adopts the two-stage closed circuit grinding, closed-circuit classifying, etc. The operating circuits provide flexibility for processing of mixed metal ores.

The plant is based on pre-fabricated and functionally tested modules. From the simulative modules, the whole separation processes of the gold ores can be seen directly. From the mineral processing test, mine design, equipment manufacture, installation & commissioning to the personnel training, all the links of the gold minerals dressing plant is undertaken by Xinhai technicians.

During the on-site work of the gold beneficiation plant, under the joint effort of the technicians and experts, the on-site installation & commissioning work was completed ahead of 20 days, and passed the test run and acceptance work.

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